Members are individuals who share the values and missions of the association.

Who Can Join

Any adult person up to date with their contribution can be a member.

Why Join

You can get involved as a member to contribute to the actions of the association, aimed at helping children and families in Madagascar.

Become an actor in the fight against poverty by contributing according to your means.

Members are part of the association’s general assembly. They participate in the annual meeting in order to vote on the activity and financial reports, as well as the budget for the new financial year. During this general assembly, members are invited to elect the new members of the association’s board of directors who may be partially renewed.

How To Join

Complete the downloadable form below and send it by email to the following address:

In order to actively contribute to our actions, we offer you an automatic debit membership of 20 euros per month, which can be paid monthly, quarterly or annually, terminable at any time.

Membership is tax deductible in the same way as donations.



Supporting the actions of M.I.V.

You commit yourself alongside an NGO, participate in its struggles: Provide access to education, Help orphaned children in the long term, Fight and act against poverty.

  • You join our values: Courage, Ambition, Rigor, Respect.
  • You help increase our social impact.

For a business, getting involved alongside M.I.V. contribute to :

  • Fulfill its role as a corporate citizen and consolidate its foothold in the regions.
  • Mobilize your employees around a meaningful project.
  • Benefit from a tax deduction of 60% of the amount of the donation made (within the limit of 0.5% of turnover)


The participation of companies in M.I.V. can take several forms, often complementary:

  • Donation in kind: donation of reusable products, new or used. Your donations will help fuel the reuse activity of our structures, serving children and families, and sustainable development.
  • Financial sponsorship: financial support for the activity of the association (examples: support for our home improvement projects, construction of schools or orphanages, our actions in favor of the employability of people received , participate in tuition fees …
  • Skills sponsorship: providing the skills of your employees to help develop M.I.V.’s activity. (examples: consulting, training, development of digital tools, …)
  • The development of new activities: co-construction of projects with strong societal utility